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Special Offers

Take advantage of our offers and benefit from our packages
Gennadi Grand Resort

Early Bird Offer

Book Now and Save up to 30% * on the total value of your booking.

* Combine our Exclusive Deals and Member Loyalty Offer when you book directly.
Gennadi Grand Resort

Honeymoon Package

Unwind and experience a honeymoon getaway at Gennadi Grand Resort and benefit from all the amenities.

Gennadi Grand Resort

Restore & Recover Well-Being Package

Restore, recover, and recharge with the ultimate wellness package. Enjoy personalized treatments in our award-winning spa, recognized as one of the best in Europe for multiple consecutive years.

Gennadi Grand Resort

Join our Members Club & Save 10%

Join our Members Club and receive 10% discount on your reservation made only & exclusively via our website.

This offer can be combined with other current offers for additional benefits!